Professional Service
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Invited Expert by Government Funding Agencies
- Funding Review Panelist, National Science Foundation (NSF), Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP)
Directorate, 2023.
- User Advisory Committee Member, Dutch Research Council (NWO), Veni grant in Applied and Engineering
Sciences. 2021–.
- Invited Panelist, NSF Formal Methods in the Field (FMiTF) Principal Investigators’ Meeting, October 2022.
- Invited Participant, NIST/NSF/DoD Workshop on Simulation and Machine Learning in Robotics, 2018.
- Invited Speaker, NSF Visioning Workshop on International Networks for Advancing Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
Research, Development, and Education Worldwide, part of CPS Week 2018, Porto, Portugal. April 2018.
- Invited Panelist, NIST CPS Framework Open Source Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, September 2017.
- Invited Participant, Exploring the Dimensions of Trustworthiness: Challenges and Opportunities Workshop, National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, August, 2016.
Industry Advisory Boards
- Industry Advisory Board Member, MIT Climate & Sustainability Consortium, 2021-2023.
- Industry Challenge Technical Program Committee, Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) 2022.
- Industry Advisory Committee Member, Autonomous Systems Specialization Coursework in Robotics Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- Industry Vice Chair, IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS) 2018
- Industry Advisory Board Member, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2018
- Global Professional Advisory Community, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2017.
Featured Interviews, Perspectives, and Quotes
Conference Program Committee (PC)
- MathWorks Research Summit, General Chair 2023-, Program Chair: Boston: 2017-2019, Tokyo: 2016-2019
- International Conference on Assured Autonomy (ICAA) 2024
- Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), Artifact Evaluation Chair 2022
- Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), 2014-2020, CPS Track Chair: 2020, 2019.
- Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems (MT-CPS), 2019-, PC Chair: 2019
- Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), Awards Chair: 2018, Poster and Demo Chair: 2017
- IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS), 2015 -, Industry Vice Chair: 2018
- Winter Simulation Conference (WinterSim), CPS Track Chair: 2017
Currently or Recently on PC
- International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS)
- Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC)
- Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (AnnSim) (previously Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim) and Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim)
- Formal Methods (FM)
- Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS)
- International Conference on Informatics in Control Automation and Robotics (ICINCO)
- Workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CoSim-CPS), 2017-
- Workshop on Numerical Software Verification Workshop (NSV), 2018-2019
- Workshop on Computational Intelligence Techniques for Testing and Validating Complex CPSs (CITest_CPS 2017)
- Associate Editor, Technology Conferences Editorial Board (TCEB) Member, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2020-23
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems: From Risk Modelling to Threat Counteraction, F. Flammini (Ed.), Springer Book in the Series Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, A. J. Masys (Series Ed.)
- Editor, EGO Insider’s Guide, ECE Graduate Organization (EGO), Carnegie Mellon University, 2010-2012.
Student Mentoring
External Thesis Committee Member/Mentor
- Rizwan Parveen, BITS Pilani, Goa, India. Advisor: Prof. Neena Goveas. Ph.D. Thesis Title: “Model Driven Approach For Healthcare Cyber Physical Systems”. 2023.
- Yi Deng, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Advisor: Prof. A. Agung Julius. Ph.D. Thesis Title: “The Application of Trajectory-Based Analysis for Hybrid Systems”. 2015.
- Amruta Namjoshi, M.Sc. Candidate, University of Pune. Project trainee at Cummins India. Spring 2004.
Teaching Assistantships
- 18-474: Embedded Control Systems, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University
- [Spring 2011 | Spring 2010]
- MATH 114: Calculus II, Mathematics Department, University of Pennsylvania
- [Spring 2008 | Fall 2007]
- ESE 210: Introduction to Dynamic Systems, Electrical and Systems Engineering Department, University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2007.
- ESE 301: Introduction to Probability, Electrical and Systems Engineering Department, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2006.
- (Grader) OPIM 101: Introduction to Computer as an Analysis Tool, Operations and Information Management Department, (now called the Operations, Information and Decisions Department), Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2006.
Student Competitions
- MathWorks Technical Lead, CAT Vehicle Challenge, University of Arizona. Instructor: Prof. Jonathan Sprinkle, 2017.
- Judge, “CPS V&V Grand Prix,”, Final Project Competition for the Course 15-424/15-624/15-824 Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, Carnegie Mellon University. Host: Prof. Andre’ Platzer.
STEM Outreach