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- [RMR+13] I. Ruchkin, S. Mitsch, A. Rajhans, B. H. Krogh, D. Garlan, A. Platzer, B. Schmerl, J. Kapinski, P. Ramachandra, and K. Butts, “An Architectural Approach to Heterogeneous Modeling and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems”, NSF CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, October 16-18, 2013. [Poster | Abstract]
- [DRJ13] Y. Deng, A. Rajhans, and A. A. Julius, “STRONG: A Trajectory-Based Verification Toolbox for Hybrid Systems”, 16th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2013), Philadelphia PA, April 8-11, 2013. [Abstract]
- [R13b] A. Rajhans, “Addressing Heterogeneity in Model-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Innovation with Impact, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, April 4, 2013. [Poster Slides]
- [R13a] A. Rajhans, “Addressing Heterogeneity in Model-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Google Regional PhD Summit, Google Pittsburgh, Mar 21, 2013. [Poster Slides]
- [RK12] A. Rajhans and B. H. Krogh, “Heterogeneous Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems using Behavior Semantics”, NSF CPS PI Meeting, National Harbor, MD, October 3-5, 2012. [Poster | Abstract]
- [BKC+11] A. Bhave, K. Butts, D. Caveney, D. Garlan, B. Krogh, S. Loos, A. Platzer, A. Rajhans, P. Ramachandra, B. Schmerl, “An Architecture Approach to Heterogeneous Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems”, NSF CPS PI Meeting, Annapolis, MD, August 1-2, 2011. [Poster | Abstract]
- [RAK+10] A. Rajhans, M. Althoff, B. Krogh, L. Pileggi, X. Li, “Investigation of Formal Verification Methods for Self-Healing Analog/RF Systems”, C2S2 Annual Review 2010, Atlanta, GA. [Poster]
- [CDK+09] S.-W. Cheng, D. Garlan, B. Krogh, A. Rajhans, B. Schmerl and B. Sinopoli, “Design and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Architectures”, CPS Forum, co-located with the CPSWeek 2009, San Francisco, CA. [Poster | Abstract]
Technical Reports for Coursework
- [R10d] A. Rajhans, “Movement Decoding for Brain Computer Interfaces”, Project Report, 18-660: Numerical Methods for Engineering Design and Optimization, ECE Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2010. [PDF]
- [R10c] A. Rajhans, “Image Recovery”, Project Report, 18-660: Numerical Methods for Engineering Design and Optimization, ECE Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2010. [PDF]
- [R10b] A. Rajhans, “2-D Thermal Analysis”, Project Report, 18-660: Numerical Methods for Engineering Design and Optimization, ECE Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2010. [PDF]
- [R09b] A. Rajhans, “Development of a Linear Hybrid Automata Plugin for AcmeStudio”, Project Report, 17-755: Architectures for Software Systems, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2009. [PDF]
- [R09a] A. Rajhans, “A Study of Compisitional Verification of Hybrid Systems”, Project Report, 15-819: Hybrid Systems Analysis and Theorem Proving, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2009. [PDF]
- [R07b] A. Rajhans, “Bistability in the lactose regulatory system of E. Coli: A discrete Markov chain approach to study the stochastically triggered induction,” Final Project Report, ESE 680: Advanced Topics in Electrical and Systems Engineering: Systems Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2007. [PDF]
- [RS07] A. Rajhans and N. Shaligram, “Modeling and Simulation of a Roller Racer Robot,” Final Project Report, MEAM 620: Advanced Robotics, University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2007. [PDF]
- [GJR06] A. Gupta, B. Jumanov, and A. Rajhans, “Noise cancellation using adaptive digital filtering,” Final Project Report, ESE 531: Digital Signal Processing, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2006. [PDF]
- [KSR06] V. Karmalkar, S. Shah, and A. Rajhans, “Bankruptcy Prediction on a Real-World Dataset Using Machine Learning Algorithms ,” Final Project Report, CIS 520: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2006. [PDF]
- [RS06] A. Rajhans and N. Shaligram, “Application of UPPAAL for Verifying a PennShuttle Routing Problem,” Final Project Report, ESE 601: Hybrid Systems, University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2006. [PDF]